Here you'll find my work I love doing on youtube, both of comedy, action, horror, and fun stuff like games. Dr. Hooves was first given the trademarked name Time Turner on the My Little Pony trading cards unveiled in BronyCon 2012. :)", New MLP CCG Expansion? Time Turner appears on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #1 page 3. Hilarity, among other things, ensues. 5:11. This series was created by Jack "BaldDumboRat" Thatcher, who is also the director and the voice actor of Derpy Hooves. Dr. Hooves appears at the medal/graduation ceremony in Celestial Advice, talking with various other ponies. 1, traveling through dimensions with an alternate Derpy. Seiyuus, voice actors, and that guy from Police Academy all go behind the curtain to create your favorite characters with such distinction that you can still hear them when you close your eyes. The youtube channel for TheMareBrony: video for the audition: you A description of him on the website reads "An earth pony that takes care of all things timey-wimey."[15]. For the first time here's an audition for one of my audio series auditions. Doctor Whooves and Assistan: What Frightens the Fearless. 2:24 he is seen for the rest of Trixie's boasting, 20:06. Home Help Search Welcome Guest. He appears in Equestria Games in the crowd during the procession again next to Rose, competes in the Ice Archery finals where he shares Goldengrape's mane and tail style, and in Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1 and its recap at the beginning of Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2. Doctor Whooves & Assistant [Episode 6] Apples and Arguments (pt 2) - YouTube. Dr. Hooves, or Whooves, also known as Dr. Whooves or Time Turner, is a background male Earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark. In The Ending of the End - Part 2, he appears with the other Earth ponies taking shelter at Ponyville. 10 notes #Doctor whooves the great #doctor whooves #dwtg #doctorwhooves #doctorwhoovesthegreat #bloopers #Voice Bloopers #dwtg bloopers #maravex. Take a visual walk through his career and see 10 images of the characters he's voiced and listen to 4 clips that showcase his performances. "[22] In the game's expansion set Canterlot Nights, #12 R, a card of Dr. Hooves, attributes to him and Roseluck the respective quotes "I made it!" He shows up at the art museum in A Flurry of Emotions, talking with Shooting Star in Forever Filly, in the stands at the Wonderbolts show in Parental Glideance, in the crowd at the Couture du Future Fashion Contest in Honest Apple, in a dream bubble in A Royal Problem, at Sweet Apple Acres with a fake cutie mark in Fame and Misfortune, and also cameos in Triple Threat and Marks and Recreation. Another Pegasus pony sharing his character model, color scheme, and cutie mark is featured in Sonic Rainboom. In The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, he makes another somewhat prominent appearance where he is in charge of spinning the hourglass that starts the competition between the Flim Flam Brothers and the Apple family. Skip Navigation. He is featured on the issue's Detroit comic book stores exclusive cover RE. Doctor Whooves & Assistant [Episode 6] Apples and Arguments (pt 2) Watch later. He appears on a card together with Mayor Mare, and his description bills him as her official town timekeeper, "the pony responsible for keeping Ponyville's clocks in sync, setting the hourglass for cider competitions, and pretty much all things timey-wimey." In Slice of Life, Dr. Hooves appears as a friend of Derpy's with a fascination for science and technology. Casting Call Club - Create voice work, casting calls, and audio projects. He appears in Trade Ya!, among the crowd welcoming Princess Twilight to the Traders' Exchange, in the crowd where Pinkie Pie is auctioning Twilight's book collection, and at the trial at the end of the Exchange. Mane Moon, a Pegasus pony sharing his character model with a lighter version of his color scheme, appears in Sonic Rainboom, Green Isn't Your Color, Hearth's Warming Eve, Hearts and Hooves Day, Hurricane Fluttershy, Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow Falls, Trade Ya!, Equestria Games, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Tanks for th… He is also featured on issue #2's Midtown Comics-exclusive cover RE where the reference to Doctor Who is made more explicit with him wearing a long orange and brown scarf which the fourth incarnation of the Doctor was famous for wearing. Characters that have appeared or been "re-versioned" multiple times across different mediums. and "You're twelve years too late! - Sands of Time Starring Dr. Hooves and Future Twilight. Doctor Hooves. He appears at the Appleloosa County Fair in Growing Up is Hard to Do. In this appearance, he wears a polka-dotted bow tie, and is dressed as a pear. The season five episode Slice of Life simply calls the character "Doctor" and "Doc" respectively in the credits and in dialogue; in the season nine episode A Horse Shoe-In, he is referred to by full name as "Dr. Hooves". 1:45 in the group of ponies, 2:49 and also 3:31, 4:40 and 4:49, 12:55 and appears most through the scene, 15:10 pushing a plow closest to the screen, two Dr. Hooveses at 19:31 and appears twice again in the next scene then again in 20:24. Nevermind. The cards were designed specifically with the brony demographic of older fans in mind, and the writer-consultant for the set has said the consultants submitted "at least a dozen direct fandom nods".[21]. Voice Acting - All. The character is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain as a Pegasus. I need voice actors Anyone who can voice act an MLP or Doctor Who character, submit recordings of your voice acting here so I can take a look at them. Dr. Hooves receiving assistance from Gabby in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks. Previous Thread; Next Thread; Please make a selection first; new « Prev ; 1; Next » EverlyHasWings Companion. In Issue #9, Time Turner is seen in the background showing a Fob Watch to Derpy, claiming the watch to be him. The Doctor falls into Equestria. Another entry into the adventures of the Doctor in Equestria, Doctor Whooves Adventures is an audio series based around the ever-popular background character from the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic series, Doctor Whooves. Home Help Search Welcome Guest. Dr. Hooves appears in Appleoosa's Most Wanted. Audition for voiceover roles and find voice actors. After encountering Spike, the pair helped him locate and rescue Pinkie Pie, and returned both to their proper dimension. He appears with a depiction of a Dalek[14] on Phoenix Comics & Games (and Everfree Northwest) exclusive cover RE of Issue #20. Rainbow Dash switches numbers with him when she tries to delay her performance in the Best Young Flyer competition. (recasting) Dr. Whooves: History Madness. Thomas Stewart Baker (born 20 January 1934) is an English actor and writer. [17] This hints towards the Day of the Doctor being on the same day as the season four premiere. Dr. Hooves, under the name Time Turner, is one of the My Little Pony companions added to Gaia Online in early July 2013. What's for dinner?" I follow DW+A, but I had been too lazy to watch Adventures, until yesterday. Dr. Hooves being surprised by Apple Bloom. When the date for Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's wedding is suddenly moved, he seeks out Rarity to tailor a suit for him, and DJ Pon-3 takes him to Jeff Letrotski. In A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, he is seen cornered in an alley with Golden Harvest and "Tornado Bolt", as well as running across the street from a changeling. Doctor Whooves is a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan-webcomic by Edowaado about the title Time Lord pony. Jayson Thiessen. CUSTOM My Little Pony Doctor Whooves Equestria Boys DIY Tutorial Surprise Egg and Toy Collector SETC. Follow. My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again (Reprise), Ted Anderson and Agnes Garbowska, The Creative Team Behind FIENDship is Magic: SIRENS, Talk Ponies of the Deep, Brian Drummond on Twitter: "Yup. December 25th, 2013 at 2:44AM. WHEN would I want to go. Jayson Thiessen is a voice actor known for voicing Bulk Biceps, Rare Find, and Doctor Hooves. [19] His bio states "Dr. Hooves keeps Ponyville's clocks in sync, sets the hourglass for cider competitions, and takes care of all things timey-wimey." 13:19, there are multiple copies of them throughout Rarity's show. Skip Navigation. I improvised here and there. Franchise: My Little Pony. He also appears on Issue #47 pages 2 and 17-20, Issue #50 pages 17-18, My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #37 page 20, My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #4 page 11, and Issue #5 page 5. If any of you are still interested to join the team be interested to email me. In the beginning of Rarity Takes Manehattan, he is seen with a single suitcase. Be sure to visit him at his lab if you have the time!". Casting Call Club - Create voice work, casting calls, and audio projects. - Share your reason with the rest of the community. So yesterday I decided to watch Doctor Whooves Adventures. Doctor Whooves. In the game's expansion set Equestrian Odysseys, #52 C and #Pƒ9, cards of Dr. Hooves, give him the description "Dr. Hooves was mere days away from perfecting the Flux Condenser before he heard about Twilight Sparkle's jaunt through time. He makes much use of his intellect by constantly inventing things and has a laboratory in Ponyville which is filled with all sorts of strange contraptions of his own devising. Hasbro acknowledged the character's popularity in the Comic Con 2011 promotional poster, where he is explicitly posed in a way that his cutie mark is clearly visible.[7]. Also in Issue #7 and 8, similar ponies can also be seen standing near him; in Issue #7, a pony resembling Matt Smith can be seen wearing a fez and bow tie, and in issue #8, there is a pony wearing a scarf with a mane style reminiscent of Tom Baker. Report. He also appears in Pinkie Pride, first welcoming Cheese Sandwich to Ponyville, during The Super Duper Party Pony once again standing next to Rose, and during the The Goof Off. No matter the occasion, Dr. Hooves is a gentlecolt who enjoys doing what he does best... science! The comic features a single story arc, although it has a noticeable shift in style and tone as it goes on. In the collectible card game, α #197 UR, a card of Dr. Hooves, gives him the description "An owl delivered an ancient scroll to Dr. Hooves one fateful morning. So ponies with pockets productions I was thinking of getting into the voice acting business and I have a few questions to ask Question 1: What recording software do you use? Doctor Whooves and Assistant is an audio play, which means that instead of animation or live action, it's only audio. My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, More My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. Unfortunately, though he minds his own business about town, he still gets caught up in the hustle and bustle of the other ponies' adventures at times, whether he's being hassled to buy apples or being chased by changelings. Times are approximate and taken from videos with no prolonged transition for commercial breaks. 14:28 - in Applejack's flashback of Winter Wrap Up, 3:15 - in the crowd praising Rainbow Dash; 4:52 - cheering for Rainbow Dash, between Derpy and Orange Swirl, 4:01 ~ 6:56 - acting in the pageant; 20:24 - singing, 4:12 - in Ponyville, surprised by Granny Smith, 7:50 - cleaning the rodeo grounds; 8:52 - in Dodge Junction, 3:49 - in the crowd complaing; 5:36 ~ 8:46 - in the crowd during, 0:02, 3:30, 4:11 - in Ponyville Town Square; 3:54 - splashes Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle with mud during, 7:50 ~ 9:20 - at Iron Will's seminar (with several duplicates), 4:02 ~ 4:18 - listening to (and laughing at) Twilight; 4:55 ~ 5:04 - listening to Twilight and looking at Pinkie Pie, 0:02, 9:01 - in wide-angle shot of Ponyville, 14:29 - cornered by changelings; 15:26 - chased by a changeling; 17:47 - at the second wedding; 20:34 - in a photo of Rainbow Dash and Soarin; 20:35 - in a photo of Rarity and Fancy Pants; 20:36 - watching Princess Cadance and Shining Armor leave, 13:23 ~ 14:40 - in the crowd complaining about Pinkie Pie, 3:03 - near Town Hall when Trixie appears (no cutie mark); 3:05, 3:27 - in the crowd of ponies; 20:36 - watching Twilight perform for the Saddle Arabians, 19:06 ~ 20:38 - at Twilight's princess coronation; 21:08, 21:15 - in the crowd during, 19:58 - next to Rose; 20:27 - in the sweeping crowd shot, next to Rose, 0:00 - at the train station with a single suitcase, 0:01 - next to Apple Bumpkin in Appleloosa; 3:11 - with other ponies during, 0:04, 0:10, 0:50 - at the Ponyville Days Festival announcement; 21:20 - watching the Ponyville Days fashion show, 10:05 - at the Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser; 12:16 - cheering for, 3:42 - next to Amethyst Star; 4:26 ~ 5:12 - watching the Breezies fly through Ponyville; 6:17 - cheering for Fluttershy; 13:46 - trotting next to Rose, wearing 3D glasses and a tie, 3:35, 3:40 - inside the tent; 4:13 - on Flim and Flam's display slide; 4:42 ~ 6:16 - seen during, 0:36 - welcoming Princess Twilight to the Traders Exchange; 4:50 - walking through the Traders Exchange; 13:16 - at Pinkie Pie's auction of Twilight's books; 14:26 - in the background behind the oat burger stand (no cutie mark); 19:17 ~ 19:59 - at the Traders Exchange trial (different cutie mark at 19:17), 2:16 - at the Crystal Empire train station; 4:33, 5:44 - in the Equestria Games crowd; 16:07 ~ 16:29, 17:29 ~ 17:47, 18:15, 18:18 - competing in the ice archery event (different mane style); 18:30 - watching the ice cloud fall, 1:08 ~ 1:33 - at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit; 19:55 - listening to, 8:06 - walking through Ponyville outside Pinkie's window, 13:06 - watching the Cutie Mark Crusaders run down the footbridge, 17:45 ~ 20:25 - watching the dance recital, 14:07 ~ 18:41 - in the crowd for the Wonderbolts' performance, 15:32 - standing on a balcony as a "zombie"; 17:10 - stalking Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and the Cutie Mark Crusaders; 18:31 - trying to get into the barn, 19:37 - in the stands for the buckball game, 12:45 - playing baseball (different eye color and cutie mark); 17:34 - receiving assistance from, 10:50 - in the stands of the Wonderbolts arena, seated next to, 19:16 - in the crowd for the Couture du Future Fashion Contest, 13:54 - within a dream, looking at a statue, 16:19 - in the audience for the fashion show (shot reused from. Share. In Issue #46, Time Turner runs for mayor of Ponyville, but he loses to Filthy Rich. Despite this, he still appears on multiple other Mighty Fine products as "Dr. Hooves" and as "Doctor Whooves". He was intentionally placed into the scene by the storyboarding supervisor for the episode.[13]. This video is unavailable. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. The ... Dubbingpedia's publication of credits from SDI's e-mail, Jayson Thiessen Q&A on reddit, Doctor Whooves, Equestria Daily comment by Enterplay consultant Wendy Epstein, Doctor Whooves Officially named Dr. Hooves, DeviantArt: Comment on Dr. Hooves Nouveau by *hezaa, Sabrina Alberghetti discussing Apple Bloom's market scene, Sabrina Alberghetti on Dr. Hooves's positioning with the hourglass, Comment on I did a cover for pony comics by Pedantia, Gameloft Pony Game Adds a Bunch of Ponies - Dr. Hooves Timelordified, Introduction to the My Little Pony Collectible Card Game. Star Wars: The Old Republic (Video Game 2011) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Brian Drummond, Peter New, Jayson Thiessen are the voices of Doctor Hooves in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He also appears on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #44 page 8. Dr. Hooves appears in a photograph in The Royal Wedding, in a photograph in All About Alicorns, in Cutie Mark Magic, and in Hearth's Warming Eve. Dr. Hooves trampling in the mud, splattering all over the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Near the end, he instead wears a long scarf to the wedding. Doctor. Now he's moved on, and is trying to find a way to make time go to next Tuesday." Dr. Hooves' character design and color scheme is sometimes used for other pony kinds. In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #2, Dr. Hooves appears in the audience of Pinkie Pie's baking show. He passes all of Starlight Glimmer's candidate-interviewing processes, but eventually turns the job down to focus on his scientific work. Crossover: The Doctor of Doctor Whooves and Assistant manage to pick up a transmission from the TARDIS from Doctor Whooves Adventures. Their whole career is based around creating distinctive and unique voices, so why not? He is demisexual, a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone, and is currently in a relationship with BaldDumboRat, the voice of Derpy Hooves He is a Synchretist, meaning … Dr. Hooves' character design and color scheme is sometimes used for other pony kinds. Duplicates: 20:24 - several in the sweeping crowd shot, Duplicates: several at 0:10, one at 21:20, Duplicates: one at 0:36, 14:29, and 19:59. Doctor Whooves Voice Reel. He later appears in Leap of Faith. I Don't Have A Reason / I'll Add One Later, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Roller Coaster of Friendship, My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow, My Little Pony: Fluttershy's Famous Stare, My Little Pony: Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook. Facebook; Twitter; Tumblr; LinkedIn; MySpace; Email; Go to. Did Time Turner in that episode, so I must've done that pony as well. And—oh, it's over? Voice actors have it good in the MCU. On the Hot Topic variant of the issue, it features Derpy Hooves and Time Turner in a Doctor Who-themed cover, featuring the Doctor's TARDIS and sonic screwdriver. It's hard for me to choose one, because my opinions are divided. BTVA is a visual and audible guide to voice actors and the characters they play across cartoons, anime, TV shows, movies, video games, shorts, commercials and rides/attractions. Dr. Hooves watches the dance recital in On Your Marks, appears in the crowd for Trixie's show in No Second Prances, in the crowd for the Wonderbolts' performance in Newbie Dash, has fun at the party, decorates for Hearth's Warming and sings the final lines of Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again (Reprise) in A Hearth's Warming Tail, watches the Applewood Derby in The Cart Before the Ponies, pretends to be a "zombie" in 28 Pranks Later, appears in the stands for the buckball game in Buckball Season, attends the baseball game and receives Gabby's assistance in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks. He appears during Fit Right In in She's All Yak, in A Trivial Pursuit where he teams up with Applejack for Trivia Trot, watching Twilight give her speech in The Summer Sun Setback, walking with Cherry Berry at the marketplace in She Talks to Angel, and at the Ponyville train station in Dragon Dropped. He is well-groomed and is often seen wearing a sharp white collar with a green necktie. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Derpy however, questions whether she knows him. Nopony knows how he finds the time to learn so much", and #Pƒ4, a card of Dr. Hooves, gives him the description "There's an outrageous amount of running involved in being Dr. Hooves. MLP: CCG Canterlot Nights: It's a Showdown! Casting Call: Dark World Doctor Whooves: The Turn of the World | Behind The Voice Actors. His counterpart from that universe offered to accompany him, but the alternate Doctor refused. All logos, images, video and audio clips pertaining to actors, characters and related indicia belong to their respective © and ™ owners. Prominent voice actor Jonathan Lipow did better than most with his. He is among the ponies seen heading off to join the war against King Sombra in an alternate timeline in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1, and he and Rose appear in the final group shot during Friends Are Always There For You in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2. It was made in Blender which, to be honest, was probably not the best way to do this sequence. Rose Tyler is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Soon, soon, just a little longer... Get ready! He acts as a narrator during the "Nightmare Night at the Museum" event. "[16] and, on Twitter, with the hashtags #DoctorWho50th, #MLPSeason4, and #BestDayEver. The cover also includes a nod to the Doctor's TARDIS in the shape and color of the street lamp, as well as a pony version of memorable Doctor Who villain, a Weeping Angel. He also provided narration in the television comedy series Little Britain (2003—2006). In August 2012, "Doctor Whooves" t-shirts and a "seat belt belt" became available for sale at Hot Topic. Voice Director, Editor, Actor, and Gamer. Composite Character: The Doctor's voice actor has stated he's based the character off a combination of the 10th and 11th Doctors, occasionally adding a bit of the 9th during serious scenes. TV Show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Valentine Dyall (7 May 1908 – 24 June 1985) was an English character actor.His distinctive voice made him especially popular as a voice actor, and he was known for many years as "The Man in Black", the narrator of the BBC Radio horror series Appointment with Fear.. And then I will decide who will be used for the series that will be done on this blog Browse more videos. He also appears in It's About Time, laughing at Twilight Sparkle's idea of time travel. they get a lot of work. He later appears in Simple Ways, Filli Vanilli, Twilight Time, and It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, in the latter of which he wears a pair of 3D glasses and is again seen alongside Rose. During this scene he wears a green necktie. Dr. Hooves appears in the crowd watching the Washouts' performance in the eponymous episode. Share Thread. In The Last Problem, he attends Twilight's coronation in flashback and briefly appears in Fluttershy's group shot during The Magic of Friendship Grows. In A Horse Shoe-In, he applies for the position of vice headmare at the School of Friendship. Doctor Whooves Voice Reel. Though Dr. Hooves is not closely acquainted with the more prominent citizens of Ponyville, he is nevertheless a nice a likeable stallion and valued as a good friend all-around. The second Doctor Whooves Intro I've done. — Doctor Whooves Recall the Time of no Return... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings ... See, that’s what the app is perfect for. In character as The Doctor and Derpy Hooves, thus making an hilarious three-way crossover between Doctor Who, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and Portal 2's co-operative multiplayer. And the mark of a truly talented voice actor is their capacity for proliferation, i.e. This is an unofficial site. Zachary French, known as Jestre DeRama, or commonly referred to simply as Jestre, is an American voice actor and the current voice of Doctor Whooves. Dr. Hooves later appears a few times in Hearts and Hooves Day, where he is seen running past Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle while accidentally splashing mud on them during the musical sequence. In the hour-long special My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, Dr. Hooves appears during One More Day, singing with Rose in Ponyville Square and later getting yelled at by Lily Valley, Daisy, and the latter for napping as they wrap gifts. "[25][26], A pair of plush toys of Dr. Hooves were released in January 2016, with the tags listing his occupation as an inventor, his special talent as Quantum Physics, and states, "Dr. Hooves is a somewhat mysterious stallion of great scientific knowledge. Following the trading cards' July 2012 retail store release, the character has appeared as Time Turner on an August 2012 Mighty Fine T-shirt. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. But they can easily take on multiple roles. Its a show where it puts The Doctor,Derpy. MLP: CCG on Twitter: "@DestinyDraw_CCG You should know better than to expect details about unannounced #mlpccg products. [N 1]The pony has officially obtained the name \"Time Turner\" in the Enterplay trading card set that debuted at the 2012 Summer BronyCon. He also appears during the song Babs Seed, sitting in a movie theater with Cloud Kicker. Sometimes he can't help but be a LITTLE splashy." Hot Flamin Lays. [citation needed] The name was eventually (unofficially) adopted by the show's crew. His spiky brown mane and his hourglass cutie mark lend him the appearance of the Tenth Doctor from the popular British television series Doctor Who, hence the moniker, which originated on the /co/ board on 4chan. Mane Moon, a Pegasus pony sharing his character model with a lighter version of his color scheme, appears in Sonic Rainboom, Green Isn't Your Color, Hearth's Warming Eve, Hearts and Hooves Day, Hurricane Fluttershy, Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow Falls, Trade Ya!, Equestria Games, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Tanks for the Memories, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Top Bolt, Rock Solid Friendship, Honest Apple, Fame and Misfortune, and It Isn't the Mane Thing About You, and as an Earth pony in Magical Mystery Cure and The Mane Attraction. Dr. Hooves also appears at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit in Princess Spike, in Ponyville in Party Pooped, and in Ponyville's shared dream in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
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