New parents of preemies encourage and support each other by sharing suc-cess stories, advice, and most of all, hope. Shul 123 Rt. With the constant support of Regional Bikur Cholim, they're able to regain happiness and assurance.We offer crucial medical guidance at every step of the treatment process, as well as emotional and medical support groups that do wonders for patients and their families. Facing difficult medical decisions can make everyone concerned feelhelpless, and the new stresses each passing day brings can chip away at efforts to maintain a normallife. September 15, 2015. Receiving a cancer diagnosis is devastating, and although the disease affects just one individualphysically, it can be traumatic for an entire household. Now we can all have a share in this great effort. 2 were here. There is an Eruv between the Hospital and the Shabbos House. Chaverim 55. Investor Real Estate Investor. Regional Bikur Cholim provides a wide range of services to the ill across the Greater New York area, with an emphasis on also caring for the needs of the patient’s family. about GuideStar Pro. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? Energy. Our professionals are dedicated to directing patients to the help they need in a safe and completely confidential environment.Just making a first call to RBC’s Emotional Health Guidance department can be half the cure. Towarzystwa Pielęgnowania Chorych "Bikur Cholim" (hebr. Peace of mind. Start the New Year Right — Help Regional Bikur Cholim! Sign in. Bikur Cholim is an investment of time and includes attention, patience, perceptive listening, sincere concern, openness, and communication skills. When a baby arrives prematurely, there is still along way to go before the joy can be fully unwrapped. Most of us are not in a position to help them, but Regional Bikur Cholim is doing just that. Now we can all have a share in this great effort. And all members of our staff are equally skilled in the RBC field called providing heartwarming care. Feeling guilty and stigmatized about mental health problems can prevent us from seeking help. to get more GuideStar Nonprofit Profile data today! A verification email has been sent to you. Bikur Cholim of New Hyde Park- 718-347-6470. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. This organization is not required to file an annual return with the IRS because it is a church. Przed II wojną światową w Polsce, Bikur Cholim działał w każdym mieście, gdzie funkcjonowała gmina żydowska. 2 talking about this. Bikur cholim (Hebrew: ביקור חולים ; "visiting the sick"; also transliterated Bikur holim) refers to the mitzvah (Jewish religious commandment) to visit and extend aid to the sick. Realizing there’s a problem, admitting it to oneself, and feeling stigmatized by a mental or emotional illness can all be very hard.We may have no problem taking an Advil in public to treat physical pain, but letting anyone know we’re taking an antidepressant is often another matter. I have long known of the outstanding activities of Regional Bikur Cholim throughout the greater New York area. What a great mitzvah to get involved in! Hatzalah 35. The first diagnosis or treatmentplan a patient receives can be confusing, overwhelming, and devastating for both patients and theirfamilies. Satmar Bikur Cholim- 845-783-4500. Although many insurance plans don’t cover secondopinions, RBC provides financial support to patients who want to pursue that option. Every ounce of weight gained is a triumph, and feeding the tiny baby becomes a complicatedproject of its own. Tager Chanukas Habayis Campaign. Baby 3. Regional Bikur Cholim joins the struggle by providing knowledgeable representatives to guide patients and their families through the often confusing treatment process, step-by-step. By bolstering the emotional well-being of the whole family,we help limit the devastating effects of the disease and keep everyone’s hopes high. But when unexpected complications arise, expectant mothers need the support of knowledgeable professionals.Because the lives of the mother and the developing baby are interconnected, difficult pregnancies can pose a risk to mothers, and treatments that are effective for mothers might be unsafe for their babies.Regional Bikur Cholim is affiliated with top obstetrical professors who specialize in caring for patients with high-risk pregnancies. Email contact available with a Pro subscription. Both minor and major health issues rise to the surface and need to be monitored closely and addressed appropriately.Many seniors falter on the rocks of medical research and treatment options, feeling that they’re no longer able to acquire the knowledge required to make the right decisions.Regional Bikur Cholim serves as a safety-bar for the elderly to lean on. Financial 14. Chronic illnesses, although generally not fatal, can greatly interfere with a person’s lifestyle. Bikur Cholim Shabbat Room at Boca Regional Hospital Bikur Cholim, meaning “visiting the sick” in Hebrew, is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer, service organization providing assistance to individuals facing medical and life crises in South Palm Beach County. They offerreassuring guidance by ensuring that patients receive the right medical referrals, setting up appoint-ments, helping manage insurance coverage, and allocating additional financial aid.RBC also offers social support and attends to the emotional needs of cancer patients and theirfamilies, which are too often neglected. If it is your nonprofit, add geographic service areas to create a map on your profile. Click on the link in that email To make sure elderly patients have the comfort and care they need, we also provide housekeeping services, homemade meals, and nurses who make home visits. Volunteer from Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim of Lakewood loading Shabbos food packages for Jewish community of Dallas, Texas. For those heroes and donors that experienced it in person, this was an evening to be remembered for a lifetime. Feb 2015 – Present 4 years 9 months. Most of us are not in a position to help them, but Regional Bikur Cholim is doing just that. Healing through kindness! Try a low commitment monthly plan today. However, it often gets little attention during the end-less, bed-bound days and nights of an illness, as far more serious matters are being addressed.While caregivers may be doing their utmost to deal with the issues that need to be resolved so thatthe patient can make a speedy recovery, the patient can still feel isolated.By lending literature of interest to patients, Regional Bikur Cholim relieves their boredom and feel-ings of isolation. Despite the great effort it takes to produce just one cup of pomegranate juice, RBC has integrated the process into our array of services. Baruch Hashem, Pesach preparations are in full swing- Hundreds of medical equipment items will be loaned out and thousands of meals will be distributed in 15 regional hospitals. By listening carefully to their concerns and offering precise guidance, we help elderly patients feel stable and secure throughout each step of the medical process. about GuideStar Pro. Two weeks after Regional Bikur Cholim’s Achievement Event of July 12th at the luxurious Mahwah Sheraton Hotel the evening is still on everyone’s lips. Helping the medically distressed in our community. We produce hundreds of bottles of pomegranate juice in a pure, homemade fashion to benefit the sick. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? ` Bikur Cholim Organizations Bikur Cholim Rockland County 845.425.7877 Chesed 24/7 845.354.3233 ` Shabbos Apartment 5 Hillcrest rd Gray House next to Kohl Medical Building, Fully stocked with food from Bikur Cholim of Rockland County. Mental health issues can be tough to deal with. Bikur Cholim of Bergen County provide support, facilities and services to ease the burden of families during trying times. ` Shuls Chabad - The T.O.P. Regional Bikur Cholim has neither rules nor limits when it comes to making the mostappropriate medical care available. Patients and their families struggle with fearand anxiety, painful treatments and after-effects, and the constant intrusion of medical appoint-ments into the daily routine. That’s why Regional Bikur Cholim invests a great deal of effort in the meals department. Learn more (LRBC) As reports of … Cancer is a heavy burden that challenges the strength of both patients and their immediate andextended family members.Regional Bikur Cholim joins the struggle by providing knowledgeable representatives to guidepatients and their families through the often confusing treatment process, step-by-step. The intellectual stimulation and socialengagement that reading brings boosts patients’ courage and helps them fight their illness.The library is also a resource that gives patients and caretakers the information they need to betterunderstand diagnoses and treaments. Regional Bikur Cholim sees to it that a family suffering from the illness of a loved one does not falter. Most patients don't know enough about the field ofmedicine to tell the difference between experienced specialists who are there tohelp them and doctors who are still in training.That’s why having a knowledgeable professional to monitor a patient’s care can beas critical to the patient’s recovery as the treatment itself. Already have a GuideStar Account? Help Regional Bikur Cholim. Courage. While health insurance plans maycover care from only a selected network of providers, many patients with serious conditions requirecare from out-of-network specialists whose services aren’t covered by the premiums the patient paysevery month. Click here to resend it.). The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick. Whether a parentor a child is the patient, the stability of a household can suffer during trying times. Riverdale/ Tammy Alter- 917-543-4844. (Don't see an email in your inbox? Completion of an application including detailed information about applicant’s current financial condition is … Congratulations on the arrival of your bundle of joy! Those who suffer from digestion-related disorders such as Crohn’s disease and colitis are obliged to change their habits completely in order to alleviate symptoms.Making the right dietary changes, as simple as it may sound, can be very complicated, especially with today’s processed food industry. Most of us are not in a position to help them, but Regional Bikur Cholim is doing just that. Pregnancy is a time of surprises. Regional Bikur Cholim offers a wide variety of … At Regional Bikur Cholim. A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. Boredom is a common problem for patients. odwiedzanie chorych) - filantropijna charytatywna żydowska organizacja społeczna, której celem było odwiedzanie oraz fizyczna i psychiczna pomoc osobom chorym i biednym, w tym prowadzenie stołówek. Chesed of Monsey- 845-425-4070. Employment 3. Getting a second opinion can help to clarify the medical issues that need to be addressedand present alternative approaches to treatment. The organization lends a wide variety of durable medical equipment free of cost. Listings in Financial and Bikur Cholim Showing 12 of 80 results. It is considered an aspect of gemilut chasadim (benevolence, selflessness, loving-kindness). Learn More and who do the programs serve? When there’s food, there’s everything: Strength. During the initial weeks or months after birth,a new mother of a preemie visits the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) continually, observing hertiny treasure through the glass of an incubator, where the little one is hooked up to life-sustainingequipment. About Bikur Cholim: Bikur Cholim Partners In Health . 501(c)(3) charity Tax ID: 45-5270401. It offers a wide variety of support services ranging from hot meals to emotional support and guidance. What a great mitzvah to get involved in! Medical care shouldn’t be compromised by financial difficulties. Regional Bikur Cholim, A Healing Hand (501(c)3 organization) - We reach out to people who are facing medical crises, the challenges of aging, and other health related difficulties to provide vital support to them and thir families. Reb Chaim Tager הי"ו decided to celebrate the upcoming Chanukas Habayis of his new home in Monroe, NY in a special way. Start the New Year Right— Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees, Analyze a variety of pre-calculated financial metrics, Access beautifully interactive analysis and comparison tools, Compare nonprofit financials to similar organizations, Revenue and expense data for the current fiscal year, CEO, Board Chair, and Board of Directors information. New mothers have to make decisions about whether to give the baby formula orto preserve breast milk through tireless pumping.Regional Bikur Cholim has established the Preemie Links program to connect parents facing similarquestions and worries. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. Regional Bikur Cholim operates through a crew of coordinators who dedicate heart,soul,and resources to finding every possible way to easy the burden of crisis-stricken patients and their families. Riverdale/ Mrs. Berkowitz- 917-903-7135 • Rockland County. Boca Raton Regional Hospital 561-955-7100 Delray Medical Center 561-498-4440 Hospice By The Sea 561-395-5031 West Boca Medical Center 561-488-8000 Bikur Cholim Coordinating Council 212-399-3524 Halachic Organ Donor Society 1-877-700-HODS National Institute for Jewish Hospice 1-800-446-4448 American Red Cross Response Center 1-866-GET-INFO What’s New at Regional Bikur Cholim. Regional Bikur Cholim is a nonprofit Jewish charity organization dedicated to supporting the ill and their families! Mission Statement. Attending to boththe practical and the emotional needs of a family becomes difficult when health-related issues cometo the fore.When troubles arise, the dedicated team at Regional Bikur Cholim puts its resources to work toensure that families receive the basic necessities they need to weather the storm, including: Housekeeping Babysitting Emotional therapy for traumatized family members Tutoring for students who are struggling due to a medical crisis in the family Fresh, hot meals that bring patients strength and comfortWe offer a caring hand to help families get through difficult times and keep short-term crisis fromcreating long-term problems. Now we can all have a share in this great effort. If it is your nonprofit, add a problem overview. Founded in 1981, Bikur Cholim has evolved into a multi-faceted organization, uniquely positioned to meet the ever-evolving needs of the Rockland community and beyond. Food and Household 17. ust hearing the word hospital is enough to strike fear into a person’s heart, andnot without reason. What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, Our coordinators evaluate individual cases carefully, and direct each one to the appropriate assistance provider.Just learning about the extensive range of services we offer and the level of care available gives new hope to patients and their families. This is an incredible organization that not only cares for the ill but for their families as well. All of those issues, along with severe pain and discomfort, can make patients feel like they don’t know where to begin with a plan for treatment and can’t see an end to their suffering.RBC’s Crohn’s Colitis Coalition brings patients together to share helpful information, learn about the approaches that others have found successful, and offer each other support.The Coalition also arranges frequent gatherings and major events such as conferences where renowned professors inform participants about the latest medical research and answer questions.Through RBC’s Crohn’s Colitis Coalition, patients replenish their confidence in being able to lead a full life, despite their conditions. Providing guidance, emotional support and therapy, and finding them foster homes when necessary. Bikur Cholim of Rockland County- 845-425-7877. Stress may trigger flare-ups too, and in severe cases, routine daily activities can be affected. Children and Teens 25. He launched a campaign to raise $150,000, equivalent to one month’s budget, to benefit Regional Bikur Cholim. This organization has no recorded board members. For most women, the months of waiting for the special day are full of exciting new developments and expectations. Israel 4. We work hand in hand with patients to ensure that they receive the best possible care.We also offer a wide range of services to expectant mothers who require bed rest during high-risk pregnancies, including meal preparation, family crisis intervention, and a library program, to name just a few. About Hospital Bikur Cholim Rooms in NYC CHESED 24/7 / New Square Bikur Cholim Room List: Good Samaritan Hospital: In Main Lobby Also, fridge in the ER Lenox Hill: 4th Floor Lounge Room #452 NY Presbyterian Columbia: Milstein Building 6th Floor Room 6112 Phone in room: 212.305.5622 NY Downtown Hospital: 3rd Floor Room 3559 Catskills Regional Hospital: Main Building 5th Floor Room … With over 13,000 requests covered since last Pesach, Bikur Cholim is there for the community 24 hours a day. It’s a time that’s filled with anxiety about whether the baby will survive and leave theNICU in good health, and will develop without lifelong disabilities.During this period of uncertainty, NICU doctors reassess the baby’s health and development eachday. Bikur Cholim, meaning “visiting the sick” in Hebrew, is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer, service organization providing assistance to individuals facing medical and life crises in South Palm Beach County. Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? What a great mitzvah to get involved in! Regional Bikur Cholimemploys caring, trustworthy liaisons at some of New York’s most prestigioushospitals to follow each step of a patient’s hospital stay and bring it to a conclusionas quickly as possible. Our mission is to minimize the physical and emotional pain of the sick and their families. Build relationships with key people who manage and lead nonprofit organizations with GuideStar Pro. Whether it’s general reading material, books, or medical literature, patients benefitfrom feeling once again that their time is being well spent. Providing guidance, emotional support and therapy, and finding them foster homes when necessary. Even confiding in our closest relations can be difficult. … Bikur Cholim has funding available to help families/individuals cover the costs of medical care that is not covered by insurance and would otherwise be unaffordable to them. For most of us, a hospital is a strange place, full of confusingterminology, unfamiliar medications and equipment, and professionals whose rolescan be difficult to understand. By the time most patients reach out for help with mental health issues, they have been suffering in silence for a long time.Regional Bikur Cholim specializes in the field of mental health to relieve patients of their fears about discussing the difficult emotional and psychological issues they face. Gemach 98. We also provide resources such as financial aid, informational literature, and refreshing meals to help in easing the severity of critical cases.Each staff member who provides services at Regional Bikur Cholim is expertly skilled in his or her specific field. Regional Bikur Cholim assigns case workers to oversee this effort, and may call on the services of babysitters or tutors to assist in their care. Education 11. Fresh, homemade, nourishing meals are cooked daily and delivered to patients and their families, right at their doorstep.Proper nutrition is one of the best medicines during the healing process of any illness, and that’s what makes providing hot, nutritious meals that warm the body and soul one of Regional Bikur Cholim’s top priorities.We had also observed the wonderful benefits that the pomegranate brings to those with compromised immune systems and the shot of energy it provides to weakened bodies. Regional Bikur Cholim- 718-693-2200 • Queens. Chesed of New Square- 845-354-2627 When an out-of-network specialist is deemed necessary, RBCunderstands how important it is for the patient to receive that care and allocates funds to cover it.We believe that second opinions are equally vital in serious cases. Gaining a sensitive and understanding source of support allows patients to commit to the process of addressing and resolving difficult personal issues.The RBC Emotional Health Guidance department works closely with therapists and professors in the field of mental health to make referrals that meet the specific needs of each case. And as in every area of care, our staff continues to monitor the progress of each patient’s treatment and offer support throughout the process. When symptoms of aging begin interrupting one’s daily routine, that’s the time when proper medical care counts most. Bikur Cholim of South Palm Beach County is an organization of volunteers that visits Jewish patients in hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes, hospices and homes. Categories Bikur Cholim 67. In a time of crisis, nothing is more important than the shelter of home and family. Jewish Federation 139. Providing guidance, emotional support and therapy, and finding them foster homes when necessary. As in all verbal communication, tone of voice is very important and can change the meaning behind the question.
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