Building forms with Vue composition API. It aims to make us more flexible in “composition” through a set of low intrusive and functional APIscombinationThe logic of the component. Now whenever we call getUserRepositories, repositories will be mutated and the view will be updated to reflect the change. We don’t really need to get into the implementation details as it’s not the point of this guide. This is to ensure our watcher will react to changes made to the user prop. This is possible thanks to several new functions exported from Vue. When using outside of setup or Lifecycle Hooks, please call getCurrentInstance() on setup and use the instance instead. Let's start with creating useUserRepositories: Now having those two functionalities in separate files, we can start using them in our component. Arguments: {Data} props {SetupContext} context; Typing: In other words, ref creates a Reactive Reference to our value. To allow users to try the Composition API early, the Vue team released a plugin that lets us try it out in Vue 2. I have been working and prototyping with Vue Composition API for a while since the Vue 3 beta released on March. Then, it's as simple as mapping getters, mutations, actions or state much like you're used to, using the functions provided. To learn more about it, refer to the in-depth guide. Migrating Vue 2 class based components to Vue 3 is not difficult, except for some small changes like changing @Component to… This section uses single-file component syntax for code examples, A component option that is executed before the component is created, once the props are resolved, and serves as the entry point for composition API's. This new API can not only simplify your code but also improving your project architecture by contributing into its modularity. While this example is perfectly illustrative of when the composition API is needed, it left me somewhat confused becau… the problem is when the route change to another userId, by navigate to another user, the user in the html template not changed as what I expected. You must install @vue/composition-api as a plugin via Vue.use () before you can use the Composition API to compose your component. The Composition API is heavily inspired by React Hooks. In the React world, React Hooks are basically what in the Vue world is the Composition API. Spoiler: it … mounted would look like onMounted. Vue's reactivity magic is one of the most attractive aspects of Vue.js. To start working with the Composition API we first need a place where we can actually use it. Let’s get back to our counter example: Here, the computed function returns a read-only Reactive Reference to the output of the getter-like callback passed as the first argument to computed. This can lead to components that are hard to read and understand, especially for people who didn't write them in the first place. In a Vue component, we call this place the setup. The API will be released with Vue 3, but now you can try it with Vue 3 Composition API added to your Vue 2 app. These functions accept a callback that will be executed when the hook is called by the component. [00:00:17] That's not true, we're not deprecating the Options API, which is what we've been using all day today. On top of that, we want to apply search and filter capabilities. # Composition API. This alone can get our application pretty far in terms of maintainability and flexibility. Now that we know the why we can get to the how. This is a super quick article verifying how the new Composition API plays with vue-test-utils, the official unit test library for Vue components. The Composition API has freed reactive data from Vue components and instances, allowing it to be passed around like any JavaScript object. provide and inject enables dependency injection. A simple example of using the Vue composition API looks like this: < template > < p > Hello {{ name }} p > < button @click = " changeName " > change name button > template > < script > import { ref , computed } from ' vue ' ; export default { setup () { const name = ref ( ' Your Name ' ) ; // computed property, calculating the … With those changes in place, we've just moved the whole first logical concern into a single place. The Vue 3 Composition API is optional! However, our collective experience has proved that this alone might not be enough, especially when your application is getting really big – think several hundred components. also it doesn't do redirect when the the user is not in the list. Lifecycle hooks can be registered with directly-imported onX functions: These lifecycle hook registration functions can only be used synchronously during setup(), since they rely on internal global state to locate the current active instance (the component instance whose setup() is being called right now). Just like how we set up a watcher on the user property inside our component using the watch option, we can do the same using the watch function imported from Vue. It is faster than the current Vue 2 and will also offer new and exciting features. Deep dive into the Vue Composition API's watch () method Introduction to the Watch API The watch API is part of the larger Vue Composition APIs. import Vue from 'vue' import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api' Vue.use(VueCompositionAPI) // use the APIs import { ref, reactive } from '@vue/composition-api' If using Vue 2 with Composition API plugin configured: import { ref, computed } from "@vue/composition-api"; Computed Property Access the value of a Reactive Reference by calling.value Methods declared as functions Gives our template access to these objects & functions Use the composition API when: The component is too large, and The concept of working with References will be used often throughout the Composition API. Here’s how this can be done: At this point you probably already know the drill, so let’s skip to the end and migrate the leftover filtering functionality. Evan You, the creator of Vue, has described the Composition API as a reactive API coupled with the ability to register lifecycle hooks usin… To start working with the Composition API we first need a place where we can actually use it. The most remarkable enhancement, in my opinion, is building a single feature in a single composition function without the need to spread the implementation among the Vue options (Options API). We will be implementing the feature using the Composition API. Reaching this far in the documentation, you should already be familiar with both the basics of Vue and creating components. However, when our components get bigger, the list of logical concerns also grows. and I use computed from @vue/composition-api to get the data. With it, we don’t have to worry about name clashes between mixin members and component members because all the members are encapsulated in their own function and we can import them with new names. The Composition API is just an addition to the language that was created to address the limitations of the Options API used in Vue 2. Such fragmentation is what makes it difficult to understand and maintain a complex component. That’s why before moving on with the other responsibilities, we will first extract the above code into a standalone composition function. In this tutorial, we’re gonna show you: New Vue Composition API overview and comparison with classic Vue Options-based API You define your state and your UI updates whenever the reactive state changes. The RFC then shows how refactoring this component to use the composition API allowed the functionality to be organized by feature instead of by option thereby restoring readability. Now let’s start with extracting the first logical concern (marked as "1" in the original snippet). Example presenting a large component where its logical concerns are grouped by colors. The composition is the new feature comes with Vue 3 and as a plugin for Vue 2, it doesn't replace the old option api but they could be used together in the same component. ToDo app with Vue Composition API and TypeScript. We will have reactive data that will hold our user’s data, and the requests loading state. The new setup component option is executed before the component is created, once the props are resolved, and serves as the entry point for composition API's. Although React Hooks and the Vue Composition API try to solve similar problems (mainly, reusability of stateful logic), how those two frameworks deal with reactivity under the hood is quite different. I am pretty sure you can see the value and benefit when using the new Vue 3 Composition API. For more details on watch, refer to our in-depth guide. getCurrentInstance only works during setup or Lifecycle Hooks. Note: the main aim is to allow experimentation and feedback before the final release of Nuxt 3. Just to get the obvious concern out of the way, this new API will not breakcurrent Vue 2.x options-based code! In addition, when working on a single logical concern, we have to constantly "jump" around option blocks for the relevant code. What’s left is calling getUserRepositories in the mounted hook and setting up a watcher to do that whenever the user prop changes. Vue introduces Composition API (Function-based API) as an addition to current Options-based API. To get type inference for the arguments passed to setup(), the use of defineComponent is needed. The composition api compared to option api : Gather the logic functionalities into reusable pieces of logic. The setup option should be a function that accepts props and context which we will talk about later. Furthermore, will use the Fetch API to fetch results from the Node.js server. @nuxtjs/composition-api provides a way to use the Vue 3 Composition API in with Nuxt-specific features. The unit test for this component needs one more line than the test for the "classic" unit test - adding the composition API wrapper plugin to the local Vue instance. We'll touch on those limitations in the next section. For that we will use the standalone watch function. Building forms with vue composition API Oct 31, 2020 1 min read. Our component handling this view could look like this: This component has several responsibilities: Organizing logics with component's options (data, computed, methods, watch) works in most cases. Both can only be called during setup() with a current active instance. The API of Nuxt-specific methods will likely change before Nuxt 3 is released. In order to access the value of the newly-created computed variable, we need to use the .value property just like with ref. Deployed on It can be used to sync the type of the injected value between the provider and the consumer: If using string keys or non-typed symbols, the type of the injected value will need to be explicitly declared: getCurrentInstance enables access to an internal component instance useful for advanced usages or for library creators. The component instance context is also set during the synchronous execution of lifecycle hooks. The Composition API is THE biggest new feature introduced by Vue.js 3. The Vue Composition API lets us move reusable code into composition functions, which any component can use with the setup component option. vue-condition-watcher - Vue Composition API for automatic fetch data when condition has been changed vue-use - Use magic Vue Composition APIs to provide a lot of reusable logic, such as form, table and loading, etc. 2. I would like to share some good experience I have while using it, for your reference if you're planning to use the new Vue 3, or migrate from Vue 2. It allows reactive component logic … Let’s move our search functionality into setup: We could do the same for other logical concerns but you might be already asking the question – Isn’t this just moving the code to the setup option and making it extremely big? The Composition API is additive, we're not losing anything else, we're bringing in a new advanced feature. In a Vue component, we call this place the setup. Examples Similar to ref and watch, computed properties can also be created outside of a Vue component with the computed function imported from Vue. Vue 3 - The Complete Guide (incl. You probably have noticed the use of toRefs at the top of our setup. We can now do the same with the second concern – filtering based on searchQuery, this time with a computed property. As a result, watchers and computed properties created synchronously inside of lifecycle hooks are also automatically tore down when the component unmounts. Installation yarn add vue-hooks-form Features. Router, Vuex, Composition API) Learn Vue.js - in its latest version - step by step from the ground up. With the composition API there is no … The new setup component option is executed before the component is created, once the props are resolved, and serves as the entry point for composition API's. The Composition API is brand new in Vue 3, and a lot of times people will even say, Vue 3 is the Composition API. With Vue 3, even that line will become unnecessary. Because the component instance is not yet created when setup is executed, there is no this inside a setup option. This means, with the exception of props, you won't be able to access any properties declared in the component – local state, computed properties or methods. Mapping between Options API Lifecycle Options and Composition API, See also: Composition API lifecycle hooks. We will start with the most obvious parts: This is our starting point, except it's not working yet because our repositories variable is not reactive. If this can be achieved, what do you need Vuex for? It’s also available to use today in … Last updated: 2/27/2021, 2:57:08 PM, // using `this.user` to fetch user repositories, // anything returned here will be available for the rest of the component, // src/components/UserRepositories.vue `setup` function, // functions returned behave the same as methods, // on `mounted` call `getUserRepositories`, // using `toRefs` to create a Reactive Reference to the `user` property of props, // update `props.user` to `user.value` to access the Reference value, // set a watcher on the Reactive Reference to user prop, // src/composables/useUserRepositories.js, // src/composables/useRepositoryNameSearch.js, // Since we don’t really care about the unfiltered repositories, // we can expose the filtered results under the `repositories` name, // we can expose the end results under the `repositories` name, Watch a free video about the Composition API on Vue Mastery, Watch a free video on setup on Vue Mastery, Getting repositories from a presumedly external API for that user name and refreshing it whenever the user changes, The function to update the list of repositories, Returning both the list and the function so they are accessible by other component options. To make Composition API feature-complete compared to Options API, we also need a way to register lifecycle hooks inside setup. That’s because in JavaScript, primitive types like Number or String are passed by value, not by reference: Having a wrapper object around any value allows us to safely pass it across our whole app without worrying about losing its reactivity somewhere along the way. Deployed on Let’s start by cleaning the App.vue, we will remove the HelloWorld component and the image: This'll feel more natural if you're used to working with mapGetters and mapActions in your components with the Options API. The composition API is mainly inspired by react hooks. Back to our example, let's create a reactive repositories variable: Done! And this is exactly what the Composition API enables us to do. Vue 3 Infinite Scroll. Let’s imagine that in our app, we have a view to show a list of repositories of a certain user. One of those features is Vue Composition API. Use the vuex-composition-helpers package. This section uses single-file component syntax for code examples # setup. Additionally, everything that we return from setup will be exposed to the rest of our component (computed properties, methods, lifecycle hooks and so on) as well as to the component's template. In the RFC, a motivating example is givenof a large component with many features that became unwieldy under the options API. But sometimes you don't want reactivity at all, the composition API makes it very easy to do so. The Vue Composition API The Composition API is a new way of defining components with Vue.js and will be a core feature of Vue 3. Netlify. The first thing you'll need to do is install the package. Composition API is not only a new, revolutionary way of sharing reusable code between components but also a great alternative to popular state management libraries like Vuex. Built another ToDo app with the new composition API of Vue 3 and TypeScript. The API is not stable and might change in the future. Vue Hooks Form. Our component should now look like this: We have moved several pieces of our first logical concern into the setup method, nicely put close to each other. Vue provides an InjectionKey interface which is a generic type that extends Symbol. Vue 3 is great, specially the composition API is an awesome new feature. Just recently the Vue core team released pre-alpha version of the next Vue version – Vue 3. You can find it here. For now, let's talk about whatit is. note: the code example are based on the new Vue 3 convention. Learn how to build highly reactive web apps with one of the most popular frameworks! Netlify. It takes a data source and a callback function that executes when the provided data changes. Keep in mind that we've only scratched the surface of Composition API and what it allows us to do. View Demo View Github. Lifecycle hooks on composition API have the same name as for Options API but are prefixed with on: i.e.
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