why are guns important in america

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Owning a gun is seen by many Americans as a fundamental right enshrined in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution which states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. "It was a rare household on the frontier that was not equipped with some kind of a firearm and some people think that legacy still plays out (today)," he said. However, no amount of money can buy you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you could protect yourself and your family if the occasion arose. Depending on where you live, it is a crucial aspect. Alien Gear Holsters is bent on crafting the worlds best concealed carry holsters on the planet. Originally Answered: Why should we all have guns? The musket is now in every history book. They are special because of the ones who have died and left them in my care. I own multiple firearms, and so does my wife. Michael Moore said that they must be the most frightened people on Earth. "And so they are deeply unwilling to relinquish that symbol. Closely related to #1 yet different. Over the last decade or so, it has repeatedly been in the news because of mass shootings and terrorist attacks. "That definitely had a lot to do with it," Courtwright said. He enjoys escaping to the woods at every opportunity for a hunting trip. Here, guns … There’s many reasons for this, but here are the most prominent: Police are rarely onsite during a crime. Should they have access to them? Answer Save. Hook and Loop Holsters Using VELCRO® Brand Fasteners, Free Mag Carrier & Shipping on Orders $99+, train kids on how to safely handle a firearm. While Hollywood Westerns and TV shows may have played a part in romanticizing the cowboy gun culture, Courtwright and others believe a fear of rising crime beginning in the late 1960s plays a larger role in explaining gun ownership today. Should there be restrictions on what kind of guns we are allowed to own? It's come to symbolize freedom and independence -- even celebrated recently on Broadway, in the smash hit, "Hamilton." Gun violence is a daily tragedy affecting the lives of individuals around the world. "I don't think we're alone in the world in loving guns but clearly Americans have a fascination with guns and love their guns," said Adam Winkler, author of "Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America.". "There's no motivation for senators in rural states to vote 'yes' on gun reform, as there is no political benefit and it would likely come back and haunt them next election period," Webster says. All Rights Reserved. "The guns represent freedom," said Somerset. The same is true for most who choose to carry. Forty-four percent of the Republicans in the Pew Research poll said they own a gun compared with just 20 percent of Democrats. We know that one rotten apple can spoil the bunch. "This is what a self-reliant, upstanding individual does," he said. Firearms are widely used in the United States for self-defense, hunting, and recreational uses, such as target shooting. a nation born of a bloody revolution, scarred by a grisly Civil War and decimation of the native population and reared on tales of rugged Wild West heroes. The gun became a symbol of power, control and self protection. 2) We know that if only the government and police have guns we are slaves. America’s gun owners are divided over whether owning a gun is central to who they are. The second amendment is second for a reason. This will most likely rank near the top, if not, the top of every gun owners list as to why they own a gun. Some will point to a lack of education, rising poverty levels, or even violent video games and claim that these are the reasons. If we fail to exercise our rights in a respectful way, we run the risk of these rights being threatened. Somerset, whose book "Arms: The Culture and Credo of the Gun" also examined gun ownership in the United States. Gun violence is a contemporary global human rights issue. Why are guns important to Americans? "New York was on the verge of bankruptcy, blight was the norm in places like Washington DC, and crime was running rampant.". We know that we cannot control what happens to us in this life. Hunting is a very important part of our culture. The discrepancy between conspicuous news coverage of mass shootings and the overall decline in gun violence helps explain a 2013 Pew Research report that a majority of Americans … Gun enthusiasts look over Smith & Wesson guns at the National Rifle Association's (NRA) annual meetings and exhibits show in Louisville, Kentucky. Not just because it is easier, but because it makes for easier and more ethical kills. The American Revolution was fought—and won—with guns, and the weapons have become ingrained in U.S. culture, but the invention of firearms started long before We know that we cannot control what happens to us in this life. Let’s face it, we live in a dangerous world. "It's about identity, not just protecting yourself from the bad guys.". "I think it may stem, in part, from the fact that we're a country that idealizes the founding, where armed revolutionaries decided to fight against a tyrannical government," said Winkler, a professor of constitutional law at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). We also take advantage of the time we have with our children to train kids on how to safely handle a firearm. "That idea really took off and the gun rights movement became a real force in American politics," Winkler said. Raising important questions about public safety, private security, personal tragedy, and cultural traditions, the public discussion of guns and gun violence also stirs up strong emotions and deeply-held beliefs. Gun politics in the United States tends to be polarized between advocates of gun … Eight-in-ten Republicans say it’s more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns than it is to control gun ownership, while just 21% of Democrats say the same. Gun rights and gun control are indeed among the most hotly debated issues in the United States today and subject to a partisan divide. ", For the early Americans, "a gun was a tool," said David Courtwright, a history professor at the University of North Florida and author of "Violent Land: Single Men and Social Disorder from the Frontier to the Inner City.". Most of us have strong opinions on each issue. In all of human society, and equally if not more so in the West, men have always … This tied in well with the vision many Americans have of themselves. This should give us all the more motivation to show that they do not represent all or even most us. Some 25% say this is a very important part of their overall identity and another 25% say it is somewhat important. And he's America, poor sod. 4 years ago. 2014 Alien Gear Holsters. Webster boils it down to two issues: the structure of our government and the effectiveness of the gun lobby. We have both taken the classes to be licensed to carry. "We're also a nation whose identity is very much tied up with things like the Wild West and the Frontier where there was definitely a gun culture," he told AFP. Guns were assigned to you by the king and the people possessed them at his pleasure. America has always taken pride in its gun culture. "In this political climate, it's very, very hard to do something nationally." 4 years ago. There are many individuals who have a healthy hobby of being a collector. 6 7. Favourite answer. That intimate connection with guns is under renewed scrutiny after the worst mass shooting in recent US history left 58 people dead in Las Vegas. Cath.Ian. Rather than giving my take on each of the above questions, I want to share 7 reasons why I believe firearms are important to the American family. Should we have to pass background checks in order to own them? This will most likely rank near the top, if not, the top of every gun owners list as to why they own a gun. Why Gun Rights Are More Important Than Ever There’s no doubt that the gun rights debate is among the most polarizing of topics in America right now. Why Americans Have A Right To Own Guns Even If That Makes Us Less Safe Our rights aren't contingent on a cost-benefit analysis. Proponents of increased gun control in the United States argue that limiting access to guns will save lives and reduce crime; opponents insist that it would actually do the opposite by preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves against armed criminals. As a result, that discussion has been stuck. Moreover, the gun has been central to establishing and defending the freedom that a substantial majority of the citizenry would say is America’s paramount value. Generally speaking, the French, Germans and other Europeans don’t understand the role played by guns in the American way of life. I pray that we never do. Owning firearms provides a perfect opportunity for educating people about gun ownership. There are currently more than 300 million guns in the United States - more than one per American - and firearms are involved in some 30,000 deaths a year, nearly two-thirds of them suicides. Relevance. Over 40% of Americans live with one or more guns in their home. For one-in-four gun owners, owning a gun is very important to their identity. So the people can be part of a well-regulated state militia, loyal to the government and officers of the state, over the federal government and military. These questions, and many more have been asked in recent history. I have two guns in my collection that I never plan to fire. There has been much debate in recent years over guns. Some will point to a lack of education, rising poverty levels, or even violent video games and claim that these are the reasons. The fact is, criminals fear armed citizens more than they do the police. Most of us collect something. 3) We know that we have a right a natural born right to self-defense. Gun ownership has become a "very powerful symbol of partisan identification," Courtwright said. The American Revolution proposed that the power of violence, which is a lot of the real power in life, stood with the people and the government, or king, did not have a monopoly on that. Some love collecting guns. Lv 7. It’s why more and more Americans are buying firearms and ammunition.” Sunday’s horrific incident in Las Vegas was the 273rd mass shooting in America this year.

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